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Next, to the parking lot of Kizahimo, we grow vegetables using a method called "natural farming." There are many varieties that are rarely seen around here, such as "himoto-garashi," "Tanabe daikon," and "Hinona" I learned about farming from someone who could be called my "life mentor" in Nara. After seeing on TV that if you cook, you should properly understand the people who grow your ingredients, I decided to meet this person. Since then, I have been visiting them at least once a month, and they generously shared their knowledge and skills with me, someone they didn't know before, teaching me about soil, farming tools, seed selection, and more. I am truly grateful.

  • My mentor is dedicated to preserving the "seeds" of vegetables known as "traditional vegetables," which have adapted to the local conditions in various parts of Japan. They are committed to passing on these seeds, along with the daily experiences of preserving them, to the next generation, especially as fewer farmers continue this practice. They run a restaurant with the purpose of letting people taste and learn about these vegetables. They cherish and nurture these crops, hoping people will appreciate their deliciousness and incorporate them into their daily lives.

  • In addition to inheriting my mentor's techniques, I also carry their philosophy and strive to create a restaurant where people who come to Kizahimo can feel the "signs" I learned, experienced, and felt during my visits. Every day, I work alongside the farm, preparing dishes. I will continue to put in effort day by day, with the hope of creating a place where someone can sense the feelings of Kizahimo when they come.

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    There was a time when I was studying cooking and living in Wakayama. During that time, I used to visit the Central Wholesale Market in the morning, and I was taken care of by Mr. Nakai of "Kanenaka Suisan."

  • "Kanenaka Suisan" was a rare wholesaler specializing in high-quality fresh fish for restaurants. Through them, I got to know the people responsible for the "front" of the store, including how they attracted customers for their fish and managed the distribution.

  • Mr. Nakai was the opposite of the typical artisan mindset. He focused on the management side of things and was a very practical person. Despite our differing approaches, he faced me head-on, engaged in dialogue, and never rejected my ideas. He taught me the importance of having an attitude of "learning."

  • During the time I relied on him, many restaurants closed down, and work drastically decreased. Even during those tough times, he never attributed the lack of work to my skills and ensured my livelihood by not reducing my working hours. Instead, he created work opportunities through his network and ideas, taking care of me as one of his staff members.

  • As the owner of the store, he protected the business, the people involved, and upheld the relationship between wholesalers and restaurants. Mr. Nakai is my role model as a business owner.

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    Miyakonojo is my father's hometown. For me, it's a place of happy memories where I spent my summer vacation playing with my grandfather. My father became a traditional Japanese cuisine chef in Osaka and, in order to live with our family, he relearned the skills of a yakitori restaurant and started "Sumibi-yaki Shima Itcho," where he raised and nurtured us. The view I saw while helping out since I was young was the sight of customers enjoying and laughing in the restaurant. The reason I wanted to cook was because I loved that view. "To see that my efforts can bring joy to people and experience the sight and scenery firsthand," that's what I find rewarding about running a restaurant.

  • When I finish preparing a dish and take a break, I sometimes glance around the restaurant. Seeing people enjoying their meals with smiles, nodding after taking a bite, discussing the menu, ordering while chatting with the staff—seeing the scenery within the smiling restaurant, I feel like I have contributed even just a little, and I want to keep gazing at it forever. I want to live within such a scenery, so I'll do my best today as well to make each day more delicious.

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    I have been greatly indebted to many people. The joy of the restaurant industry, handling charcoal, farm-to-table restaurants, natural farming methods, the history of ingredients, seasons, handling fish, business practices, Tsuimoto-style hunting and trapping, numerous cooking techniques from Japanese cuisine to French and Italian.

  • All of these were taught to me by people who had cultivated their skills before me, and they have been passed down to me like a thread, connecting and reaching me.

  • By carefully weaving together the threads spun by people and the daily experiences, if I can create a "cord" by turning them into dishes in this place and pass it on to our customers, the staff, and the local community, I hope they will feel the bright and delicious "omens." With this aspiration and goal in mind, I have named it "Kizahimo"